Osteopathic Clinic Wellington

Function through Empowerment

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopaths regard the human body “holistically”, or inter connected, meaning anatomical, physiological, pathological, psychological and functional variables relating to each individual patient are considered when making a working diagnosis and suggesting a treatment/rehabilitation plan.

Osteopathic philosophy encompasses the belief that, under normal circumstances, the human body has the inherent ability to cope with most forms of dysfunction. Osteopaths therefore, attempt to restore the body’s coping mechanisms using a variety of techniques, advice and rehabilitative exercises tailored to that patient.

At the Osteopathic Clinic we aim to relieve pain and assist you to return to normal activity. We use treatment, advice/education and self help exercises. Where there is wear and repair involved, such as osteoarthritic change, we will assist you to cope with this through understanding, movement and strength training.

We will work with you to identify the issues which are preventing your recovery. Our aim is to empower you toward symptomatic and functional improvement. We try to leave you in better shape and with a better understanding, than before the problem commenced.

We use 'structural' osteopathic techniques here, which are both non-invasive and safe treatment options. They include soft tissue (a specified form of massage to reduce muscle tension), mobilisation and manipulative techniques.

Find out more about the Osteopathic treatment options at our clinic.

Osteopathic Clinic Wellington

Function through Empowerment

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